Video shooting Resulted in Wrist Pain
Adrian Storey fra Cambridgeshire har i mere end 20 år arbejdet som filmfotograf, kameramand, klipper og fotograf. Dokumentarfilmen Traces of the Soul, som er indspillet af Adrian og instrueret af Martin Cooper, har vundet flere priser, og hans arbejde er blevet publiceret af BBC, The Guardian og Greenpeace.
Adrian Storey
Fotograf, kameramand og klipperUchujin
A new angle for your hands
“The nature of my work means that I get to enjoy all the creative aspects of film-making, but it also means long hours of computer-based editing, something which has taken its toll over the years presenting as wrist pain due to poor workstation set-up”, says Adrian Storey.
Having experimented with a variety of alternative mice to try to alleviate the problem, Adrian discovered Unimouse on the Contour Design stand at a UK trade fair. “I was immediately impressed by the way you could change the angle, something which I’d not seen in other vertical mice. I liked it because it allowed me to relax, removing my wrist pain, but it wasn’t so vertical that it slowed me down whilst using it”, he continues.
Learn about Unimouse
Don’t Fall Asleep
While it’s important that an ergonomic mouse addresses postural issues, and helps relieve wrist pain and discomfort, in the real world of work there are also other things to consider. Adrian cites some of the less obvious benefits of using Unimouse.
“The on-board cursor speed adjustment is a bonus because it allows me to adjust the sensitivity to suit the app I’m using. I also like the fact that’s it’s wireless with a rechargeable battery that doesn’t keep going to sleep when I’m using it.”

"Having had my Unimouse for a while now I can say that it’s definitely cured the wrist pain I was suffering. The key to this is the large range of adjustability it has, and I change the angle every couple of weeks"
Adrian’s pain filled experience in front of a computer is not a unique experience, as many of us spend an increasing amount of time performing repetitive software related tasks, but it looks like he’s finally found the solution.
“Having had my Unimouse for a while now I can say that it’s definitely cured the wrist pain I was suffering. The key to this is the large range of adjustability it has, and I change the angle every couple of weeks. I’d recommend it to anyone. Give it two days to get used to and you won’t go back”, Adrian emphasises.
Learn more aobut Uchujin