Tell us – ideas & grievances
Help us do better
Do you have any experience of adverse impacts that we caused or contributed to, or do you want to give us ideas for better preventing or mitigating risks, please contact sustainability team.
Contour Design is preparing online opportunities offering avenues for potentially impacted persons or other relevant stakeholders.
Grievance Mechanisms
Through the cloud-based platform, csrCloud, where we conduct our regular operational-level impact assessments, we intend to offer effective grievance mechanisms.
Here we will encourage relevant stakeholders to access our impact assessments, to submit grievances or knowledge hereof, and to suggest improvements of our actions to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts or of the grievance mechanism itself.
All communication through this channel will be designed for dialogue and will be handled by Contour Design.

Whistle Blower Mechanism
Where actual adverse impacts are severe and amount to a suspicion of a violation of law, and/or anonymity is requested Contour Design has established a collaboration with an external independent partner to receive complaints.
Whereas we will always prefer to establish a dialogue around grievances as early possible and provide for access to remedy before an impact becomes severe, we will provide access to anonymous notifications through our Whistle Blower mechanism.
Report issues