• RollerMouse Red Plus - Wireless - Refurbished
  • woman at her desk working
  • rollermouse red plus
  • man using a rollermouse red plus and balance keyboard
  • rollermouse red plus
  • rollermouse red plus
  • rollermouse red plus
  • rollermouse red plus
  • RollerMouse Red plus
  • rollermouse red plus

RollerMouse Red Plus - Wireless - Refurbished

RollerMouse Red er en serie af centrerede computermus, der med sit prisvindende design sikrer dig variation og kontrol, når du arbejder mange timer foran computeren. De mange knapper og en åben rullestav hjælper dig til at variere brugen af højre og venstre hånd, når du arbejder med musen. Det minimerer de belastningsskader, der opstår ved ensidigt brug af muskler og sener, og sikrer dig et større overskud efter en lang arbejdsdag foran computeren.
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Få på lager 3-5 days expected delivery
3.254 kr 2.441 kr


RollerMouse Red er en serie af centrerede computermus, der med sit prisvindende design sikrer dig variation og kontrol, når du arbejder mange timer foran computeren. De mange knapper og en åben rullestav hjælper dig til at variere brugen af højre og venstre hånd, når du arbejder med musen. Det minimerer de belastningsskader, der opstår ved ensidigt brug af muskler og sener, og sikrer dig et større overskud efter en lang arbejdsdag foran computeren.


If you're looking for a reliable and high-performance product at a great price, look no further! This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested by Contour Design Support to ensure it is working perfectly. Don't let the fact that it is refurbished deter you; this product offers the same quality and performance as a brand-new item!

Great range and precision
No matter whether you work with one screen or more, RollerMouse Red has been optimised to facilitate screen navigation, and the cursor’s range can be altered, meaning you can easily work with multiple screens at the same time. The stable rubber-covered rollerbar with its textured surface makes it easy to move the cursor and click precisely, which is very important during intense computer work.

RollerMouse Red Plus

Award-winning design with documented effect

In 2013, RollerMouse Red won the “Red Dot Award” design prize for its sophisticated design, with its soft-brushed aluminium case and characteristic red detailing, and the design is still popular. The impact RollerMouse can have on your work should not be overlooked. In a Nordic survey with 4,000 participants conducted in collaboration with Coxit, as many as 99% of those surveyed who had experienced pain or discomfort associated with mouse work stated that a centred mouse had eliminated pain and discomfort.

The RollerMouse Red has also received the distinguished AGR certification, which highlights its ergonomic advantages. The certification is only awarded after thorough testing by ergonomic therapists.

Rollermouse Red plus awards and certifications



Rullestav bredde:


Antal knapper:

7 knapper (6 programmerbare)


600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2400, 2800

OS understøttelse:

OSX og Windows


Tilgængelig på Driver-sden

Plug and Play:



6 md.


Download til Windows 10 og 11 3.2.0

Download til MacOS Monterey, macOS Ventura og macOS Sonoma 6.1.7


RollerMouse Red Plus Wired Download

RollerMouse Red Plus Wireless Download

Andre dokumenter

RollerMouse Red Plus - Product Sheet Download

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